How to Lose Weight Fast with
These 3 Tricks
There are plenty of diets out there that promise to help you lose weight fast, but most of them can be unhealthy and/or expensive in the long run. If you’re looking to shed pounds without feeling deprived or without breaking the bank, these three tricks will help you lose weight fast without your health suffering in the process.
1) Cut out Alcohol
The easiest way to lose weight fast is simply by cutting out alcohol. Alcohol makes you feel hungrier, and because of that, you’re more likely to overindulge in foods—especially high-calorie treats like sweets and salty snacks.Wine has about 120 calories per glass (1 ounce), but some mixed drinks can be upwards of 250 calories each! And don’t even get us started on beer. A 12-ounce bottle of regular beer contains around 150 calories. Save your money for zero-calorie club soda or sparkling water instead. If you really want something fizzy, try seltzer water with a splash of fruit juice. It will provide your body with natural electrolytes without all those extra calories and carbs from sugary soft drinks or juice blends. Plus, drinking water helps fill you up so you eat less throughout the day! Water also helps detoxify your body since alcohol dehydrates your cells. Your liver needs water to metabolize alcohol into energy, which means if there isn’t enough water present when your body metabolizes alcohol, then it stores fat instead—making weight loss even harder than usual!
2) Eat less carbs
Carbs are not your friend when you’re trying to lose weight. Complex carbs, or starches, take longer for your body to digest than fats and proteins do—which means they’ll keep you feeling fuller longer and won’t make it easy for you to overindulge. If you want a quick fix for your hunger pangs, opt for foods that are higher in protein and fat. For example, nuts, cheese and avocado can help curb an appetite. A healthy diet should be comprised of roughly 30 percent protein, 30 percent fat and 40 percent carbohydrates. You may need to adjust these ratios depending on your specific needs and goals. Just remember: The less complex (and starchy) your diet is, the better it will be for helping you lose weight fast.
3) Get 8 hours of sleep
It’s tempting to cut corners when it comes to sleep, especially if you’re trying to lose weight fast. It may seem easier just to hit that snooze button or call in sick for a few extra hours of rest, but going without adequate sleep for too long will actually work against your efforts. When you don’t get enough sleep, levels of leptin—the hormone responsible for telling your brain that you’ve had enough to eat—plummet. Leptin is also essential in regulating metabolism and appetite, so its regular release keeps us from feeling famished and overeating. If our bodies are deprived of sleep, leptin levels get thrown out of whack and our appetites go into overdrive. In other words? Getting eight hours means less hunger pangs and more calorie burning! To make sure getting enough shut-eye becomes a habit rather than an afterthought, keep your bedroom as dark as possible (to encourage melatonin production) and consider using blackout curtains or an eye mask to block out light pollution from street lamps or headlamps outside your window.
There are plenty of diets out there that promise to help you lose weight fast, but most of them can be unhealthy and/or expensive in the long run. If you’re looking to shed pounds without feeling deprived or without breaking the bank, these three tricks will help you lose weight fast without your health suffering in the process.
1) Cut out Alcohol
The easiest way to lose weight fast is simply by cutting out alcohol. Alcohol makes you feel hungrier, and because of that, you’re more likely to overindulge in foods—especially high-calorie treats like sweets and salty snacks. Alcohol is also a diuretic, meaning it makes you pee more. Wine has about 120 calories per glass (1 ounce), but some mixed drinks can be upwards of 250 calories each! And don’t even get us started on beer. A 12-ounce bottle of regular beer contains around 150 calories. Save your money for zero-calorie club soda or sparkling water instead. If you really want something fizzy, try seltzer water with a splash of fruit juice. It will provide your body with natural electrolytes without all those extra calories and carbs from sugary soft drinks or juice blends. Plus, drinking water helps fill you up so you eat less throughout the day! Water also helps detoxify your body since alcohol dehydrates your cells. Your liver needs water to metabolize alcohol into energy, which means if there isn’t enough water present when your body metabolizes alcohol, then it stores fat instead—making weight loss even harder than usual!
2) Eat less carbs
Carbs are not your friend when you’re trying to lose weight. Complex carbs, or starches, take longer for your body to digest than fats and proteins do—which means they’ll keep you feeling fuller longer and won’t make it easy for you to overindulge. If you want a quick fix for your hunger pangs, opt for foods that are higher in protein and fat. For example, nuts, cheese and avocado can help curb an appetite. A healthy diet should be comprised of roughly 30 percent protein, 30 percent fat and 40 percent carbohydrates. You may need to adjust these ratios depending on your specific needs and goals. Just remember: The less complex (and starchy) your diet is, the better it will be for helping you lose weight fast.
It’s tempting to cut corners when it comes to sleep, especially if you’re tryin
g to lose weight fast. It may seem easier just to hit that snooze button or call in sick for a few extra hours of rest, but going without adequate sleep for too long will actually work against your efforts. When you don’t get enough sleep, levels of leptin—the hormone responsible for telling your brain that you’ve had enough to eat—plummet. Leptin is also essential in regulating metabolism and appetite, so its regular release keeps us from feeling famished and overeating. If our bodies are deprived of sleep, leptin levels get thrown out of whack and our appetites go into overdrive. In other words? Getting eight hours means less hunger pangs and more calorie burning! To make sure getting enough shut-eye becomes a habit rather than an afterthought, keep your bedroom as dark as possible (to encourage melatonin production) and consider using blackout curtains or an eye mask to block out light pollution from street lamps or headlamps outside your window.