8 Ways to Lose Weight for Girls
If you’re looking to drop the pounds, you’ve come to the right place! Here are eight effective ways to lose weight for girls specifically, no matter your gender! Keep reading to learn more about how to lose weight fast and easy!
1) Know what you are doing
If you don’t know what you are doing, then it is time to learn. Learn about nutrition, about weight training, about cardio and about overall health. You need to know what you are doing in order to be successful with losing weight. Being overweight or obese can cause long term damage and health problems. Use your information as a way of learning how not being overweight will make your life easier and healthier in many ways! There are lots of resources available to help you lose weight. Choose one that fits your lifestyle best. When making healthy choices remember these three things: Start slow, eat clean and move more! That’s it! Your body needs energy so feed it right by eating foods that fuel it rather than deplete it. This means avoiding processed foods and sticking with natural whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats/poultry/fish, nuts/seeds/legumes/beans etc... Don't starve yourself either! Feeding your body every 3-4 hours will help keep blood sugar levels steady which leads to less cravings throughout the day.
2) Use small plates and bowls
Smaller plates and bowls can help you naturally eat less, says Dana Hunnes, M.S., R.D., and clinical nutrition manager at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. Why? When food fills up a larger portion of your plate, you’re naturally inclined to help yourself smaller portions. Hunnes suggests using a 9-inch plate instead of an 11-inch one, and a 6-ounce bowl instead of an 8-ounce one. For even more weight loss tips, check out these 25 Best Foods for a Toned Body!
3) Don’t drink your calories
Drinking a large glass of juice or sweetened coffee may seem harmless, but such beverages are loaded with calories. For example, a 16-ounce orange juice may contain upwards of 250 calories and 25 grams of sugar—that’s more than your recommended daily intake! The average woman can lose about 1/2 pound per week by simply monitoring her caloric intake and keeping it in check; if you're trying to lose weight safely but quickly, switch from soda and other sugary drinks to water. Your body will thank you with clearer skin and fewer cravings later on.
4) Don’t skip meals
Skipping meals can lead to cravings, which often lead to overeating. Also, it’s important to eat regularly in order for your body to burn calories at a consistent rate. Make sure you eat breakfast everyday and don’t forget about those snacks! If your schedule is particularly hectic, you may want to consider planning out your meals in advance. For example, if you know you have a busy day ahead of you, try adding some protein-packed snacks like nuts or hard-boiled eggs before leaving home. Avoid processed snacks like chips as they tend to be high in sodium and fat. Unprocessed foods are also more filling and will help keep hunger at bay until your next mealtime.
5) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
One of the most important things you can do in your daily routine is eat healthy. By eating fruits and vegetables every day, you are helping yourself become healthier as well as making it easier to lose weight. Eating fruits and vegetables has a wide range of benefits including providing essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that work to boost your immune system, protect your cells from damage, improve digestion and help you feel fuller longer so that you’re less likely to snack on unhealthy foods between meals. Keeping a journal of what you eat is also helpful since it will allow you to see exactly how much fruits and vegetables have become a part of your diet. Many studies have shown that people who consistently eat more fruits and vegetables weigh less than those who don’t.
6) Snack on nuts, yogurt, cheese, or berries
Eating throughout the day makes it easier to keep your appetite under control and make better food choices.Yogurt is high in calcium; berries offer antioxidants; cheese contains casein (which slows digestion), so you’ll feel full longer. Plan on eating at least three times a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The occasional afternoon snack or after dinner treat is fine too!
7) Chew gum after meals (and all day long!)
Chewing gum may seem like a strange way to lose weight, but research shows that people who chew gum after eating do so because they feel more full. This means you will end up eating less than if you had not chewed gum after your meal. In addition, when you chew gum, you produce more saliva and send a message to your brain that it’s time to stop eating. So not only is chewing gum good for helping with weight loss, it can also help reduce food cravings throughout the day!
8) Get moving!
If you’re trying to lose weight, one of your biggest challenges will be physical inactivity. If you’re spending most of your day sitting at a desk or staring at a computer screen, then it makes sense that exercise will probably fall by the wayside. Instead, look for ways to fit more movement into your daily routine—park far away from work or home and take an alternate route if possible; take frequent walking breaks instead of sitting through two hours straight of meetings; make regular trips up and down stairs (try carrying groceries), etc. When we expend energy without thinking about it, it tends not to feel like efforting so much as...living! Making small movements throughout your day adds up over time.