10 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy and Fit
10 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy. If you want to be healthy, it’s important to make some fundamental changes to your lifestyle. These 10 easy ways will help you achieve better health, no matter where you’re starting from or how much time you have to get there!
1) Track your progress
This one might seem like a no-brainer, but tracking your progress and changes helps you actually stay on track. You can do it in a number of ways: an app on your phone or computer, daily journaling, etc. There are tons of free and low-cost apps that help you track everything from calories consumed to steps taken throughout the day.
2) Put on sunblock
As soon as you step outside, your body will be exposed to UV radiation from both natural sources (the sun) and man-made sources (artificial light, fluorescent lamps). To avoid damaging effects like skin cancer and premature aging, use a high-quality sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Keep it handy when going out in strong light throughout the day—not just when swimming or playing sports in sunlight.
3) Get a good night’s sleep
Sleep is incredibly important for overall health and mental wellbeing. It’s during sleep that our body heals, processes information, and builds muscle memory for anything we have learned throughout our day. If you’re lacking sleep, your mind is going to be foggy, your reflexes will be dulled, and you will not operate at full capacity.
4) Drink water, lots of it
The amount of water you need each day varies based on your size, age, gender and level of activity. Still, drinking six to eight glasses of water every day is a good place to start. If you don’t like plain water and/or hate carrying a water bottle around with you everywhere, add sliced fruit (or fresh herbs) for flavor. Water aids digestion and helps control appetite so that you feel fuller longer.
5) Exercise regularly
Regular exercise not only helps you lose weight and burn fat, but it also has an impressive list of benefits for your mind. A study from Duke University found that people who exercised six days a week were less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than those who were sedentary. Exercise has also been linked with reduced risk of cognitive decline as we age. Aim for at least 30 minutes a day of moderate activity such as brisk walking, jogging or cycling on most days of the week.
6) Be mindful
Many studies have shown that spending time in nature can have a positive effect on people’s mood, stress levels and even brain function. A 2012 study from researchers at Ohio State University found that when people took a 15-minute walk through a natural area, they showed decreased activity in their amygdala—the part of your brain linked to fear, anxiety and stress.
7) Don’t skip meals!
Skipping meals is one of the worst things you can do if you’re trying to stay healthy. And while it may seem like a good idea to skip breakfast, not eating in the morning actually puts your body into starvation mode, which means your metabolism slows down, and you burn fewer calories for several hours. This won’t help you lose weight—it will actually make it harder for you to drop those extra pounds.
8) Have fun with food
It’s easy to get caught up in counting calories and obsessing over every bite, but it’s important to remember that food should be enjoyable. Instead of avoiding your favorite foods, enjoy them in moderation. Small indulgences are totally acceptable as long as you stay within your daily caloric limit. Don’t eat out of boredom—eat out because you have a meal planned that is actually worth it!
9) Eat out at healthy restaurants occasionally.
Everyone’s busy these days, so it can be tempting to hit fast food joints or opt for pizza delivery. While eating healthy when you’re on-the-go is nearly impossible (at least until someone invents edible cutlery), eating out at restaurants that offer healthier options is a good way to keep your diet in check.
10) Maintain a positive attitude
Instead of resisting it, embrace it. When you change your attitude about an obstacle or challenge in your life, you’ll be more likely to find a way through—and around—it. Focus on what is working and how far you’ve come rather than fixating on what isn’t yet in place and what you still have left to do. Take pleasure in those successes, even when they seem small or inconsequential!